What is this page..?
Hello, my name is Nami and I am a Rotterdam-based web publisher, running a webzine platform User Sentimental eXperience This page is a collection of my interviews with 6 students that I met in a course HTML Zine Club. HTML Zine Club is an experimental education program that I created and ran in 2023 at Willem de Kooning Academy, a Rotterdam-based art school. The program aimed to introduce students care-based HTML & CSS studying and making hand-coded webpages with personal writings, which I call the webzine. In the interview, I asked them questions like:
- How did they experience learning the HTML&CSS and write lines of codes by their hands?
- Were they able to find independency in the practice?
- How was it like to be pushed to the boundaries of discovering and solving issues of their codes?
- How did they experience the notion 'webzine'? (Materiality of the digital work & The power of small-personal story)